Beginning November 1st, Charles and I will begin a new venture.... no we're not going to explore the Amazon Forest. We will have a showroom in The Dallas Market Center in The Gallery. This will enable us to meet Designers from all over the country who are looking for specialized work, for both my art vessels and wall installations . With 45 years of art fairs... I'm estimating I probably set up my booth over 500 times... I think it's time to look at new avenues. This past year, we have managed to evolve with change. I will be exhibiting at only a few art fairs in 2022, Bonita Springs in January and February. I will continue to have my work exhibited with Steidel Contemporary at the big gallery shows in Florida this winter as well. The list of current galleries is on my About page.
Charles is refining our new Ceramic Wall Panels. Through a lot of firings, loss and then breakthroughs, we are ready to debut them this year at the Showroom and at art fairs next winter. Each panel is 16" square and is mounted on the wall with sexy standoffs. See our Wall Installations page for more colors.
